Title: A Splash of Orange and Turquoise on Copper

Medium: Acrylic on metal copper leaf

Size: 1 meter x 1 meter mounted in a white float frame

Price: £950

Title: Golden trees

Medium: acrylic and metal leaf

Size: 50cmx100cm mounted in a white float frame

Price: £600

Title: ‘A Splash of Blue and Green on Gold’.

Medium: Layered acrylic on metal gold leaf.

Size: 1 meter x 1 meter mounted in a white float frame.

Price: £950

Title:: ‘A Splash of Blue and Green in Richmond Park’

Medium: Layered acrylic on rose gold leaf.

Size: 1 meter x 1 meter mounted in a white float frame


Title: A Splash of Blues on Turquoise

Medium: Acrylic

Size: 1 meter x 1 meter mounted in a white float frame

Price: SOLD

Title: A Splash of Pink on Blue

Medium: Acrylic

Size: 1 meter x 1 meter mounted in a white float frame

Price: £800

Title: ‘A Splash of Turquoise on Orange’

Medium: Acrylic

Size: 1 meter x 1 meter in white float frame

Price: £800

Title: Ancient Hedgerow in Green and Blues.

Medium: Acrylic

Size: 50cm x 100cm mounted in white St Ives frame

Price: £595

Title: Autumn Colours with Copper

Medium: Acrylic

Size: 50cm x 100cm mounted in a white float frame

Price: £500

Title: ‘A Splash of Orange and Jade on Copper

Medium: Layered acrylic on metal copper leaf.

Size: 91cm x 61cm mounted in a white float frame.

Price: SOLD

Title: ‘All in a Row Turquoise on Bright Orange’

Medium: Acrylic

Size: 50cm x 1 meter mounted in a white float frame

Price: £500

Title: ‘A splash of blues on Orange’

Medium: Acrylic

Size: 80cm x 60cm mounted in a white float frame

Price: £450

Title: ‘A Splash of Blues on Neon Orange’

Medium: Acrylic

Size: 80cm x 60cm mounted in a white float frame


Title: ‘A spray of leaves on sunset skies’

Medium: Acrylic

Size: 75cm x 75 cm with white St Ives frame

Price: £400

Title: Golden Tree on Navy Blue

Medium: Acrylic and metal leaf

Size: 60cm x 40cm mounted in white St Ives frame

Price: £595

Title: ‘A Splash of Blue on Gold (Medium size).

Medium \: Layered acrylic on metal gold leaf.

Size: 50cm x 50cm mounted in a white float frame.

Price: £375

Title: A Splash of Neon on Turquoise’

Medium: Acrylic

Size: 50cm x 50cm in white St Ives frame

Price: SOLD

Title: Autumn colours on Gold

Medium: Acrylic and metal gold leaf

Size: 60cm x 60cm in white float frame

Price: £450